I am going to discuss the type of person who would watch my music video.
I am female and I am 17 years old, I study at my sixth form, doing subjects like Media Studies, English and Psychology. For my free time, I enjoy socializing with friends, shopping, reading magazines, watching films and staying up to date in the latest fashion and media events!
I love to watch music videos online because I am often on my laptop, so going on YouTube is always fun, and a break from doing work! But I also enjoy watching TV and often flick over to the music channels, so watching my favourite music videos and the latest out is good to see.
When watching music videos, I like to see a variety of different costumes, especially if it’s a female artist, I love to see what outfits they wear, and to also give me inspiration on what to wear, as I look up to many female artists!
I also like to see many different shots, especially when it’s a fast paced song, its fun to watch the music video keep changing from scene to scene as it makes the video feel more exciting and keeps me more interested to watch it.
When reading through magazines, when I come across a CD/artist advert for their new single or album, I like to see the artist on the spread, but I also find it interesting when there is different types of shots used and it’s not the typical ‘face to camera’ shot.
When buying CD’s, I like to see the artist on the front cover, as it grabs my attention and I know straight away who it is and if I’d like to buy it. I then like to see the list of songs on the back, this doesn’t have to have the artist’s face on, as its quite nice to just read the tracks with a simple background. On the inside, it’s really cool when the CD itself has a picture on, this could be of the artist or just something to do with the theme of album, and it’s really interesting to see more pictures of the performer on the inside of the cover, in the booklet.
Overall, I think I represent the ‘typical’ teen image; I would be classified as a ‘mainstreamer’, who follows the latest trends, listens to the latest music and do things that are typical of most kids our age, we have aspects of individuality, but are generally the type to shop in mainstream popular shops like Topshop and River Island.